Routines module === List of functions: - Get-Password: Passwords generator. ```shell= PS C:\> Get-Password v,kjy57i PS C:\> Get-Password -AsSecureString System.Security.SecureString PS C:\> Get-Password -NumLetters 8 -NumDigits 3 -NumNonAlphaNum 3 o-gdyn82;vw:j0 ``` - Remove-Diacritics Remove diacritic symbols. ```shell= PS C:\> Remove-Diacritics éàçèùïñ eaceuin ``` - Clear-String Remove special characters designed to create login. ```shell= PS C:\> Clear-String "De L'Artimon" DeLArtimon PS C:\> Clear-String "De L'Artimon" -LowerCase -MaxLength 8 delartim ``` - Read-Choice Display a native PowerShell prompt. ```shell= PS C:\> Read-Choice -Title 'You need to choose' -Prompt "What are you doing?" You need to choose What are you doing? [Y] Yes [N] No [?] Aide (la valeur par défaut est « Y ») : 0 PS C:\> Read-Choice -Title 'You need to choose' -Prompt "What are you doing?" -Options '&Yes','Yes to &All','&No','N&o to all','&Perhaps' -HelpMessages 'ok for once', 'ok forever', 'so you won''t.', 'ok I understand', 'so-so' You need to choose What are you doing? [Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [O] No to all [P] Perhaps [?] Aide (la valeur par défaut est « Y ») : ? Y - ok for once A - ok forever N - so you won't. O - ok I understand P - so-so [Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [O] No to all [P] Perhaps [?] Aide (la valeur par défaut est « Y ») : o 3 ``` - Read-Popup Display a customizable popup. ```shell= PS C:\> Read-PopUp -Title Information -Message 'Here we are' OK PS C:\> Read-PopUp -Title Information -Message 'Here we are' -Icon Exclamation OK PS C:\> Read-PopUp -Title Question -Message 'Are you sure ?' -Icon Question -Buttons YesNo Yes PS C:\> Read-PopUp -Title Problem -Message 'Mayday' -Icon Hand -Buttons AbortRetryIgnore -DefaultButton Button3 Ignore ```